
The Timbuktu Project: An Architectural Marvel at Mt Buller

The Foundation of Timbuktu: Expertise Meets Innovation

Early Beginnings and Strategic Foundations

A Vision Materializes: The Completion of Timbuktu

Architectural Brilliance by Salter Architects

Blending Recycled Timber, Concrete, and Glass

A Testament to Durability and Design

Unique Concrete and Chain Finish: Aesthetic Meets Function

Two Decades of Alpine Building Mastery

Chalmers Constructions, with over two decades of experience in alpine construction at Mt Buller, brings unparalleled expertise to the challenging environments of the Australian Alps. Building in these regions requires a robust blend of skills and knowledge, from understanding mountainous terrain and weather patterns to mastering advanced construction techniques.

The Foundation of Timbuktu: Expertise Meets Innovation

Early Beginnings and Strategic Foundations

The Timbuktu project commenced in 2006, laying the groundwork with a basement car park, restaurant, and first-floor apartment. A visionary approach was applied with constructing a temporary second roof, designed to bear heavy snow loads while being removable for future expansions.

A Vision Materializes: The Completion of Timbuktu

Finalised between February and May 2022, Timbuktu saw the addition of three levels of apartments, culminating in a striking architectural piece that enhances the visual landscape of Mt Buller. This phase of development extended the structure and its presence and influence within the alpine environment.

Architectural Brilliance by Salter Architects

Blending Recycled Timber, Concrete, and Glass

Salter Architects spearheaded the design of Timbuktu, integrating recycled timber, concrete, and glass to forge a building that stands as a testament to sustainable elegance and strength. This architectural marvel reflects a deep appreciation for the natural beauty and the harsh conditions of the alpine setting.

A Testament to Durability and Design

Unique Concrete and Chain Finish: Aesthetic Meets Function

While Chalmers Constructions focused on the concrete structure, the distinctive external panels, not manufactured by them, feature an innovative concrete and chain finish. This element underscores the project's commitment to durability, functionality, and aesthetic appeal, setting Timbuktu apart as a landmark at Mt Buller.